Old Bottle, New Wine
OLD BOTTLE: Leper! He detested ugly things. And a leper was on the top of his list. The very sight of any beggar seeking alms with folded...
You are deaf, and I am dumb!
Pragna woke me up from the deepest sleep. ‘There’s a bad news?’ I feared the worst. But never...
For Whom the Bells Toll
“Not another wedding!” Shen groaned. Quick glance around the room confirmed that ‘She who must be obeyed’ was not within the...
Rich Daasi, Poor Daddy
Not ‘Four Score and Seven Years ago’ – but definitely more than Two Score and Few Years ago. During my school days – in Panaji...
The Gift of Magi
“So, what do you want for your birthday?” Silence. “What should I get for you?” Continued...
Scribble Is Silver, But…
His siblings called him an ‘emotional fool’. His friends considered him a ‘strange character’. His parents had given up on him long...
A four year old child was asked whether he could read and write. “I can write, but I can’t read” was the answer. “Write...
Zen and the Art of Carrying on your Practice
“Smooth Seas do not make skillful sailors” – an African Proverb. Forty years ago, I entered...