A recent cartoon making round depicts a child discussing his career options with his father. “I am considering a career in crime”. Dad raises his eyebrows: “Organized or Politics?”
The idea may be far-fetched, but the realty hits you. Especially in context with politics in Goa. Criminals, Casinos, Chiefs! Goans lower their heads – either in shame or fear or just plain disgust!
Recently, a city dweller, with his villager friend, was strolling in an archaic Goan village, when he saw a rustic beauty.

“She is Mona – Rs. 100.”
Down the street, a still more beautiful belle; and on the city dweller’s appreciation, the friend repliled:
“Dianne – Rs.250.”
This goes on few times, each time the city dweller expressed his appreciation, and the friend quoted the price.
“Are there no ‘decent’ ladies in your village?”
“There are – but you won’t be able to afford them”.
Whenever elections come around the corner, this story surfaces from my sub-conscious mind, with a question:
“Are there no ‘decent’ politicians contesting the elections?” And the answer is:

“There are – but you won’t be able afford them.”
I am not saying that there are NO decent leaders. I am talking only of the politicians who are contesting. I believe that the decent leaders are either weeded out by the corrupt system, or choose not to be an accessory to the pillage and plunder.
Having said this, a blind man searching for a needle in a haystack is more likely to succeed that you and me trying to find an honest politician who is in election fray. Now you will ask – “as all are corrupt and dishonest, should one bother to vote at all? Are you not likely to be an accessory to the crime – whoever you vote for? Politics is of the scoundrels, by the scoundrels and for the scoundrels. Politics is dirty water pond. If you get closer, a splash will get you dirty.”

These or similar philosophies tend to make us sweep the dirt under the carpet, and pretend everything is kosher. In the end, all you get is dust mites. This mite, over a period, becomes might, and in the end, you start choking! And the reason for all this? You did not care to vote. “What’s one vote?” We can bark, growl, and howl incessantly – but when it comes to actual ‘biting’ by voting – we just put the tail between the legs and run away. Barking, growling and howling. “Democracy has failed, the politicians are corrupt!” One forgets that if you don’t care to act, then you don’t have right to grumble. You are not a victim, but an accomplice!”
Let’s take example of yet another citizen:
He goes to the doctor, complaining:
“Doctor, I am sick. I am not able to sleep. I have this sensation of ‘deja-vu’. It started in the first week of January. I had similar attack five years ago; and then again yet another five years back.”
“Do you hear same words or promises being repeated? Do you see the same people knocking on your doors? Euphoric feelings that lasts till the vote-counting is done? If the answer to all these questions is YES, then you are suffering from a very aggressive affliction. In common words, it’s called Viral Election Fever. It’s dangerous; and despite anything – you get it every five years. In some countries, you get it every four years, too! But don’t worry, it’s not fatal. It’s a terminal disease. In India, after its first attack, it incubates approximately for 54 months; and then the symptoms start all over again. Goods and goodies, presents and promises – rain on the common people. This is followed by cacophonous clamours to vote for the particular politician! The voters also suffer from selective amnesia; and forget what happened almost five years ago. The sisters vote for the saree giving brother; the others vote for whoever gives them maximum monetary masala!”
“Is there a cure?”
“None – unless you prefer to have the cure which is worse than the disease.”
“And what would that cure be?”
“A total dictatorship!”
Well, the choice is clear…You get either Casinos; or it’s Carnival all year round!
March 1, 2017